Thursday, 4 April 2013

CWM flashable gapps [google apps] package for your Y210D.

This is the google apps package to flash via cwm recovery in case you removed any of the google apps or if the rom doesn't have them.  Download

 The steps are pretty basic boot in to recovery using volume up + power button, then select install zip from sd card and select the zip and flash, now reboot the device.

 If you don't have recovery installed you can get it from my post on how to root your phone click Link. to go there, it contains steps to install recovery too.To use recovery use the volume up and down button to scroll through options and power button to select the option.


  1. Hello! Could you please reload the package. I get an error "The file you attempted to download has been previously claimed by a copyright holder through a valid DMCA request and cannot be downloaded" while trying to download the file. Thank you in advance

  2. Hello Ketan Kadam,
    First, thanks for these tutorials and all your efforts.
    I have problem with installation of google aps.
    I did everything from flashing CWM, instaling ROM, rooting, linking SD card.
    Again thanks for all.
    In "Android system recowery (3e)" i am getting:
    E: signature verification failed
    Installation aborted

    1. @zaleks , Android system recovery is what prevents these gapps from being installed. repeat the steps you did to install cwm. When you're done, boot into recovery. If you installed cwm correctly, it should show more options. choose install zip from sdcard -> Choose zip from sdcard and wait. it should work
