Thursday, 4 April 2013

Batter Mod to change your battery indicator to DIGITAL. Show's battery remaining in percentage. [y210d]

This is a cool and permenant mod to show your batter charge as numerical digit's.Help's us know exact batter status/charge. Download

Just download the cwm flashable package to your sd card and flash via cwm Recovery. If you dont have recovery. click

To use recovery switch off the phone and start it with volume up + power button pressed. Keep fast boot option in setting's in your phone unticked before doing this.

use recovey using vloume up and volume down button and use power button to select options.

to flash this select install zip from sd card option in recovery and then browse and select your zip. BAM restart your device and your have the mod. :)

Please comment and like our facebook page for more updates.


  1. my phone hanged after flashing battery mod zip. got bricked.

  2. Reflash your phone with the stock firmware, and it'll be fine or take a nand backup of your phone from cwm recovery before applying such mods. it'll save you timne and frustration

  3. yup my mistake of not making a nand backup. anyway, is there a way of flashing the stock firmware from fastboot or adb? thanks again.

  4. @jonathan please check this post. install Cwm frm fastboot then install this via cwm. cheer's.

  5. Successfuly installed the zip and booted. Thanks @ Ketan

  6. @jonathan Your welcome, now you can go ahead and flash the battery mod too, it will work without any problem

  7. is this for rooted Y210D only?

  8. it should work if you have cwm recovery installed. not sure though, give it a try and tell us.

  9. it all works for me. except the custom rom.. don't wanna give it a try. thanks @Ketan. and for the facebook replies. :)

    *Romeo Mustride*

  10. thanks ketan it works great on coustem rom and its very cool
