Friday, 24 May 2013

Please post your request's and problems here!

Hello Everyone,

                       Lately haven't been able to update the blog, due to work.Hardly get any time for myself.Please post you needs/request here and i'll try to fulfill them as and when i can.Will be posting some new updates next week so please keep checking the blog.

Some thing's i have on the list of updates are, 

1) A stock firmware with toggle switches in the notification bar for Y210 D
2) Stock firmware for the y210 and rooting procedure for the y210. (not the Y210D).
3) A new way to root the y210D.




  1. yes please toggle switch for your vittel coustem rom please

  2. I can't download root files from dropbox
    please give me another link

  3. All the links have been restored please try now.

  4. I did the root to Y210 but now the sensor is inverted, house keys, options are changed back and the house is options and thus, the battery lasts less time and restarts at times.
    Can you help me?

  5. sir Ketan Kadam please stay with me iwant the toggles switch please is y210-0200 my build number is viettel v8404 gm-05 unlock
    if you do that i will help you in this blog

  6. please, add a warning for y210! now i have not working wifi, and my firmware (italian tim brand) is not available (other versions fail during install).
    please, can you provide us a correct boot.img for y210? thank you

  7. Hi sir...
    I have huawei y210 not y210d.can u pls tell me how to root huawei y210 n pls post a stock rom or firmware if it posible...pls help to root.
    Tk u...

  8. Please let me recap what I did. I used Y210D procedure to root my father in law's Italian (TIM) Y210 (Y210-0100V100R001C55B855). I ended up with a phone that has 4 soft buttons instead of 3 (phone has back, app and menu, but software "sees" app, menu, back and search) and an inverted g-sensor. Other things seem to work fine.
    I cannot use any of the found in internet (including wifi fix): they fail with an unspecified error.
    I tried to flash the boot.img found in the vettel rom, but that didn't help.
    I also tried a the "Y210T changer" boot.img with no success.

    Please help me: it's my father in law's phone!!! :)

  9. why xperia play 1ghz cpu and adreno 205 play hd full hd and 3d games like gta vice city and gta 3 and nova 3 and y210d play this games with lag and force close ihate force close are there any batch remove force close?

  10. Anything new about the swap support....

  11. mr ketan iwait this ((( A stock firmware with toggle switches in the notification bar for Y210 ))

  12. how to get root on y210 model?

  13. how about rooting y210D with baseband 855? help please...thanks

  14. my huawei y210 wont open when turn it on from power button the three buttons down there still flashes then the red lamp still on, how to fix it, please help me, thank you

  15. shehab use this post to fix your phone

  16. Hello, I am from Myanmar
    I m using a Y210C,it is CDMA+GSM.
    presently i m using CDMA.
    there is no Google Play Store in my set,I have installed one from but i caanot create account in my set.

    Please solve the issue

    Can i upgrade my 2.3.3 to higher version?how?
    in the set the temple run is crashed

    please help me

  17. I cannot make calls with my Phone after Update the ROM. The SIM card is not getting detected, But the SIM Cards is working another phone. Please let me know if any one has found a fix for this. I have a Huawei Ascend Y210.

  18. I am stuck with a Huawei Y210-0200 anywhere i get the root files ?

  19. hola tengo un problema, yo rootie mi cel huawei y210 instale unas app, ke funciona para cambiar imagenes de inicio on y off y la barra de la bateria, pero se kedo trabada, y se reinicio, y ahora yap nop pasa del logo o imagen de inicio, creo ke dejo de funcionar el O.S. como soluciono eso, o ya no tiene solucion.. agradeciria mucho kien me respondiera...

  20. can i please get a tutorial to root ascend y210-100 not y210d please?

  21. Hi
    Subway serve dont play in my y 210d
    How can i pkay it?

  22. I need help with my huawei y210. See, every time I play a game the screen keeps refreshing, it suddenly lags, turns black and either pauses the game or exits it. I'm not sure if it's with the games or the phone itself. I mean seriously, it can't handle 2fuse or even candy crush?

  23. my device getting too slow. do you know any fast custom rom for it

  24. dude you can root y210-100 with this flashable zip ( ). just flash it using cwm. you can use the y210d cwm file( ) to install cwm on your y210-100.
    just flash y210-100 stock rom, install cwm on it, the flash the zip for rooting

  25. You can do the firmware, such as CyanogenMod, for this device?

  26. check this link, it helped me with RAM but with a downside...

  27. Hello everyone!

    I have a problemon with this cel the Y210-0100 from my sister.
    She was reading that the best rom for this phone is the Telus Canada and also read this too. Well, i download this ROM Load it from the phone menu.

    Everything went fine and and the screen says Succesful but when the phone reboot the Screen stay black. It seems like the phone is boot up but i can see nothing.

    What can i do? Please help me....

  28. I have a Y210d-0200 with build number: Y210-0200V100R001C433B875
    I rooted it following your tutorial
    a couple days later I had to master reset it
    after that it won't connect to the internet it connects to the wifi nicely but I get error connecting t the server when trying to access my gmail and web pages can't display
    any help please

  29. I want to upgrade the ram as I do?

  30. My y210d dont vibrate and I never drop down it help please :'(

  31. HEY SIR I USE THE KINGO ROOTER SIR! please help me i rooted my phone and i dont know if my phone is rooted completely bcoz when i root my phone the kingo root says that 'finish'. but when i play temple run its returning me again on homepage please sir i want to play dead trigger too.. please help me about this problem...

  32. Hi! My huawei ascend y210d is not working after flashing a default firmware, it just died on me, Red Led light and when i try to power it on flashing soft keys happen then nothing, How can i fix this please help! Here is my email

    1. i have the same problem do you have any solution?

  33. I can't tether internet to my PC. First time it prompted that problem installating driver/adapter (something I forgot) in setup wizard... then nothing happens if I plug USB and mark USB tether option. Please help
    my mail:

  34. hi! I have rooted my y210, and i want to install custom rom, could you please explain me about how to do it ?
    and also, why I can't get in to fastboot mode ? how to get there ? Press "Volume down + power button" ? How long should I press it ?

  35. I have a y210d I was installing the root then the mobile to turn off and has not turned on,
    now only lights leds will blink and then touch the charging LED turns red

  36. Who has this phone on hands, please help) Dump first 512 no please)

  37. Sir, my i have a y210d.. after i installed the rom toolbox it get stuck on huawei logo it wont boot. can you helm me with this please.

  38. sir, ive followed ur instruction of how to reinstall stock rom
    but it saye update failed, please remove the battery and restrart.. please help

  39. Why won't my Huawei Y210 vibrate?

  40. hey, i have this huawei y210d..and its wifi is not shows error. can u give me some help? thanks

    1. I m facing the same problem... Have u got any idea....

  41. hello there... i'm having a problem now with my rooted Huawei Ascend Y210D. last night when i rebooted it, it wont turn on now.. it keeps displaying the Huawei logo animation and restarted again... i tried the hard factory reset but it still won't open.. pleassseee.. i need help..


  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Why my huawei Y210 0100 mobile not connect to wifi. When I turn on the wifi it seems error... Plz help me to got out of this problem....
