Wednesday, 27 March 2013

The proper Way to install link2sd/app2sd on any android phone by partitioning the sd card.[rooted phones only]

Many low end android phones have low phone memory due to which we can install only a limited number of application's to the phone, even though there in an option (native a2sd support in newer android version's) to move the app to sd card in settings>applications> manage application's, this still does not completely move the application to the sd card and it will go on filling the phone memory in no time. We have to option's here, they are using app2sd or link2sd. [require's root access]

app2sd will install all your apps directly to sd, where as link2sd gives you options to install it to sd card/phone memory or move it to phone memory/sd card after installing. i prefer link2sd.

(this can be done using mini tools partition software on pc too but i find cwm recovery way easier to do)

Please install launcher's,widget etc to phone memory so that they work without problems.
Backup your memory card data to the pc before doing this or you will loose all data on the card.You will have to re install apps that were on the sd card so uninstall them before hand or you can do factory reset from phone menu or do Wipe data /factory reset+wipe cache partition+wipe dalvik cache from recovery .if you have no apps installed on sd card you may skip this.

You will need Custom Recovery(CWM) installed,if you don't have it already get it from here Link (Follow the giude in link to install Recovery in your phone or if you want to root it too)

App2sd from here Download
Link2sd from here Download

Now boot in to recovery by powering off the device then powering it on while holding the volume up(+) button, When you are in recovery use volume up and volume down buttons to select options and press the power button to select the option,touch doesn't work in recovery mode.

1) Scroll down and select advanced

2) Now select Partition SD card.

 3)Select the appropriate size of the new ext partition which ever you like.

 3)select 0 M here. soon as you select 0 m the process will start, it takes long time so be patient.

4) Once it is done it will show done, as seen in the screen shot.

Now select go back and select reboot phone now. Wait for it to reboot.

Now you have to install app2sd or link2sd on the phone.
I use link2sd so when you open link2sd for the first time this is what it will show , Select ext3 and click ok. and exit link2sd and restart the device. If you get error creating mount script etc try selecting ext4 and press ok. 

After restarting the device open link2sd again and finish the configuration as shown in  the pictures.You can keep the install location on automatic. now on installing an app it will be moved to the new partition on the sd card. 

It should show linked to sd card, that means it is on the new ext partition. 
Do not select move to sd card option in link2sd otherwise app will be moved to sd card instead of the ext partition and when you attach your phone to pc's usb to move data the app in card wont work but the apps in ext partition will still keep on working. To move apps to ext partition use Create link option instead of move to sd,after clicking create link tick all checkboxes it may show and click ok. that's all.

Thank You.Please visit again for more useful stuff to come.
Cheer's. Comment & bookmark.


  1. hey friend when you will post the steps for installation for other phones, i want now about my phone its model number is gt s5830 samsung galaxy ace.

  2. Steps provided here worked for me

  3. read only system file error while linking....y210d


  4. If your 2nd partition becomes read-only, it may be a filesystem error or corruption. On Linux (and Android) any filesystem error can trigger filesystem go read-only (for protecting fs).
    Try to reformat your second partition or fsck utiltiy to fix fs errors, following is an example usage of fsck command.

    e2fsck -fpDC0 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2

    Also, if you use AmonRa recovery you can run its "Repair sd-ext" function to fix file system errors on the 2nd partition.

  5. buddy have you found some way to increase the ram???
    kindly pls tell me the way to increase ram with the swap partition.

  6. can you please fix the link? there's nothing in there... i want to install link2sd properly. thanks...

  7. Question:why is the swap size should be 0? what is it anyway?

  8. Another question: id already partition my sd, but then i bought a new one, how should i transfer all my install app+data to my new one?

  9. Hi Ketan,

    My Mobile : Honor 4c
    when it has a lollypup OS, i have rooted and i was able to move apps to sd card using link2sd app.
    But after updating OS to android 6, i am not able to move my apps to sd card eventhough its rooted. Whenever i tried to select sd card partition, its throwing "mount script error".

    Can you please tell me how to solve it??
